Project Overview


Gambit Energy Storage began development in 2019 with a focus of helping Texas meet its energy reliability goals. On December 23, 2022, when Winter Storm Elliott threatened the grid, Gambit performed at full availability, contributing to grid reliability by providing Regulation Reserve Service, Regulation Up, Regulation Down, and energy in the Day-Ahead and Real-Time markets. At 7 p.m. on September 6, 2023, when the Texas sun was setting and power reserves dropped to 1750 MW, the grid operator faced rolling blackouts. Gambit and 2100 MW of other battery storage systems responded to the grid operator's call for resources with real-time energy and grid services to help stabilize grid frequency and maintain reliable power

The facility operates day and night throughout the year, supporting Texas' power needs in hot summer afternoons and cold winter nights with an average availability to the grid operator of more than 99% since coming online.

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